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Can i ask question on specific RTO in chennai? Why roads are not having street lights for past 2 years?

+1 vote

Can i ask question on specific RTO in chennai?

Why roads are not having street lights for past 2 years?

why signals are not functioning for past 2 years?

how long it will take them to fix pitfalls, signals and street lights?

why they haven't fixed till now?

Are they monitoring roads atleast once in a week? if yes why they haven't found the issue? have they blindfolded?

posted Jun 5, 2019 by Vishnu Prasad

1 Answer

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No, you can’t file your file your application to Chennai RTO on matters concerning road maintenance.

You can request the above information under section 6(1) of RTI Act 2005 from any local public authority or Greater Chennai Corporation which is a public authority under section 2(h) of the RTI Act 2005 that maintains the road.
You can request information regarding road construction and maintenance, tender details, funds allocated and status of the work done.

For further assistance to file RTI application to any PIO for the above mentioned matter please refer

answer Jul 31, 2019 by Isha Sinha
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