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Can I apply RTI for Intimation of transfer by Transferor (TCR) from RTO's in Gujrat ?

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posted Apr 11, 2019 by Sangeeta Gope

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI for a Copy of the Transferor (TCR) Form from the concerned RTO.

The Transport Department is primarily established for enforcement of the provisions of Motor Vehicles Act,1988, Gujarat Motor Vehicles Act,1989 and the rules framed under these two Acts. Hence, the Transport Department, Gujarat is "Public Authority" as per Section 2 (h) of the RTI Act and falls under its ambit.

You can file the RTI Application asking for a Certified Copy of the "TCR Form" from the RTO by addressing the same to the concerned "Regional Transport Officer" and by paying the prescribed fee.

To know more about the procedure to file RTI Applications, please refer

answer Apr 12, 2019 by Gloria Deka