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Regarding 4 years DACP placement

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Hi. I'm a pcms doctor. In 2007 I joined as Rural medical officer under rural development and panchayati Raj department of Punjab Govt. On contract basis. My services were regularised from 1st May 2011. After that on 12th October 2016 I have joined health and family welfare department Punjab as a medical officer in same payband through proper channel (cleared exam). My pay has been protected by the department. But as I didn't get DACP 4year placement in previous department which was due on 1st May 2015, now health and family welfare department Punjab is not giving me my previous 4yr placement. There is no criminal case or any departmental enquiry pending against me. Now please tell me where should I get the DACP. Can I get it from my present department as my pay has been protected by the department? Thank you.

posted May 4, 2019 by Sanjeev Kumar

1 Answer

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You should file the RTI application for the DACP in the present department.The health and family welfare department Punjab is a government body and hence, it is public authority under section 2 (h) of the RTI Act 2005. The RTI can be made to the designated PIO of the department with requisite fees and a copy of Government ID proof along with the application under section 2 (f) and 6(1). You can ask for the rules and guidelines with regard to the eligibility criteria for the DACP.

Please refer for filing application to Punjab state.

For filing any RTI application please visit

answer May 7, 2019 by Monika
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