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How to find properties ( land) owned by a person? (Help)

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I had deposited some money in a private investor ( obliviously for more interest) now how business is in loss and I can't find him. So if I can find the properties owned by him I can attach it. Any help would be appreciated!!! By the way he has lot of land properties and I don't know how to find them!

posted Jan 10, 2020 by Jin

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I have filed TA/DA claim to CDA (O) Pune in which the Road Mileage Allowance (RMA) applicable @ Rs 24/- per km authorised by GOI (MoD) letter No 12630/Mov C/242/D (Mov)/2017 dated 15 Sep 2017, Annexure, page 4, para 2 (D) (ii) while using own car for official duties have been approved @ Rs 7.50/- per km only by CDA (O) Pune auditors. As per GOI letter, this rate is for all places where no specific rates have been prescribed either by the Dte of Transport of the Concerned state (MP, in my case) or of neighbouring states. MP State Transport Deptt has not laid down any rates till date. On being queried by me, the CDA says that separate notification of revised rates by Army Auth (Station Headquarters of each military stations) is required and as the same is not available .....old prevailing rates have been admitted. Please note that the GOI letter of Sep 2017 supercedes all previous RMA rates being an agenda of Central Pay Commission which has been constituted for Revision of Pay and Allowances of Central Govt employees. So can CDA (O) Pune under CGDA New Delhi 'not follow' GOI instructions and ask for separate notifications by local army authorities (Station Headquarters) which are subordinate formations? With the dissemination of GOI letter of Sep 2017, aren't the 'prevailing rates' mentioned by CDA (O) Pune superceded too ?? Can I ask for a copy of the letter citing RMA as Rs 7.50/- per km (mentioned as prevailing rates and admitted in claim) from CDA (O) Pune ??
Sincere Thanks and Regards
