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liability of implementation of the order of SIC

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The SIC has ordered the PIO & AA to furnish the required information as part of my second appeal. who should give me the information the PIO or AA ?? .

If the PIO post is vacant in the organization, who has to comply the order of the SIC ?

If information is not provided in spite of the SIC order, what should I do??

posted May 2, 2019 by Ramesh Chandra Paidi

1 Answer

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As per Section 19 (3) when any order is passed by State Information Commission (SIC) for the PIO and First Appellate Authority (FAA) is liable/ obliged to provide the information. Which ever authority holds the requested information should provide the same within stipulated time as per the RTI Act 2005. If the post of PIO is vacant there will be some officer in charge or Assistant Public Information Officer (APIO) must receive reply/information from concerned Department and provide it to Applicant.
If the information is not provided even after the order passed by the SIC, the applicant can file File application to SIC for contempt or file a suit in the respective High Court of the state concerned.

For further assistance to file RTI application please visit

answer May 7, 2019 by Monika
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