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RTO (Regional Transport Office) Comes Under Which Department (in Maharashtra)?

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I want a file an ONLINE RTI in the RTO for asking them the reason for the delay in the approval of my Learning Licence.

But in the RTI website of Maharashtra, the RTO is NOT mentioned in the list of departments!!

Under which department should I file the RTI then?

posted May 18, 2022 by Manas Kulkarni

1 Answer

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The Regional Transport Office or District Transport Office or Regional Transport Authority is the organisation of the Indian government responsible for maintaining a database of drivers and a database of vehicles for various states of India.

RTO comes under the Transport department of the state. You can file RTI to the Motor Vehicles Department (RTO) , Maharashtra. In case the online facility is not available, you can file RTI by post to the RTO.

You can also file RTI through us at

answer Jun 6, 2023 by Shambhavi Rti
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