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Applicant Personal appearance in First Appeal

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Can a FAA send summon to Applicant for personal hearing during first appeal made for non providing the information by PIO / CPIO within time frame
Is it must for the applicant to appear on the mentioned time and date whereas the PIO has not provided the response in stipulated time frame

posted May 2, 2019 by Giriraj Singh

1 Answer

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Yes, FAA can summon the applicant for Personal during First Appeal for non providing the information by PIO / CPIO within time frame. But it is not mandatory to be present for the First Appeal hearing and if in case the appellant will not be able to attend the hearing he/ she can through his duly authorized representative.

answer May 7, 2019 by Monika
Thanks !! What happens if No one goes from Appeallant side ?
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Dear Sir,
There is a matrimony dispute going on b/w and and my wife from last 7 years. Today i came to know that She obtained my PF Subledger Statement from PF Office through RTI. Since PF Records, subledger statements are very confidential statement then how it can be shared to a third party? Court didn't order anything to PF department. Please guide me how i can file which compliant against that CPIO. I have 10% faith that she obtained this information through any link in PF department and PF department guy in the shadow of RTI provided this information.

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Please help and guide me


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