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Where to compliant against my Sensitive personal information shared by PF CPIO in the shadow of RTI

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Dear Sir,
There is a matrimony dispute going on b/w and and my wife from last 7 years. Today i came to know that She obtained my PF Subledger Statement from PF Office through RTI. Since PF Records, subledger statements are very confidential statement then how it can be shared to a third party? Court didn't order anything to PF department. Please guide me how i can file which compliant against that CPIO. I have 10% faith that she obtained this information through any link in PF department and PF department guy in the shadow of RTI provided this information.

PF Office replied to me on my complaint that "it is to inform that a RTI has been received in this office from Mrs. XYZ wife of Mr. ABC, in which she is stating that the case has been in Indian Court vide case no. 124/2015 between XYZ and ABC and she was asking for the details of wages of month OCT. 2019 and Dec. 2019. Hence member ledger of Mr. ABC husband of Mrs. XYZ is provided to Mrs. XYZ by CPIO of that time. Further it is also inform that the matter is not of the nature of any grievance. Therefore, as presently no action is pending at the part of RO PF OFC, the grievance may kindly be closed."

I read some where According to Supreme Court and Delhi Hight court personal information can't be shared to 3rd party unless untill there should be some public interest and CPIO have to intimate and take cognizance from the owner of that account. But here CPIO unethically shared my sensitive information to my enemy.

Please help and guide me


posted Aug 11, 2023 by Nitin Verma

1 Answer

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A subledger is a record of transactions related to a specific financial account, such as accounts receivable or inventory. Subledgers are used to organize various transactions for detailed analysis and reporting.

Section 18 (1) of the RTI Act provides grounds on which a complaint may be filed. The complaint may relate to inability for file RTI to reach into, refusal to give information etc. The section 18(1) is given below:

Section 18 (1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, it shall be the duty of the Central Information Commission or State Information Commission, as the case may be, to receive and inquire into a complaint from any person,—

who has been unable to submit a request to a Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer, as the case may be, either by reason that no such officer has been appointed under this Act, or because the Central Assistant Public Information Officer or State Assistant Public Information Officer, as the case may be, has refused to accept his or her application for information or appeal under this Act for forwarding the same to the Central Public Information Officer or State Public Information Officer or senior officer specified in sub-section (1) of section 19 or the Central Information Commission or the State Information Commission, as the case may be;
who has been refused access to any information requested under this Act;
who has not been given a response to a request for information or access to information within the time limit specified under this Act;
who has been required to pay an amount of fee which he or she considers unreasonable;
who believes that he or she has been given incomplete, misleading or false information under this Act; and
in respect of any other matter relating to requesting or obtaining access to records under this Act.

answer Jan 10 by Shambhavi Rti