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Can I apply RTI for a copy of my medical report from a private hospital ?

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posted Mar 15, 2019 by Sangeeta Gope

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI to Private hospital for copy of your medical report. In the decision passed by the Central Information Commission in case titled Prabhat Kumar vs Directorate of Health Services GNCTD, Delhi bearing no. CIC/SA/A/2014/000004, it has been held that the medical records of a patient both for private and government hospitals, has to be provided under the RTI Act to the patient and/or to their family member. It has also been held that non-furnishing of medical records especially by private hospitals shall amount to violation of Article 14 of the Constitution of India which shall also imply levying of penalty on such hospital.

Since it has been held in the CIC order, that the medical records of a patient both for private and government hospitals, has to be provided under the RTI Act. Hence, we can file RTI to Private hospital for copy of your medical report.

For further assistance and to have a better understanding on filing RTI, you may visit the below mentioned link:

answer Mar 21, 2019 by Antra Bhattacharjee