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Park not developed in our area, Park space is occupied by the Temple

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In our Nagar we have park, it is donated by our Plot developer, he give the space for free of cost while layout the area, its more than 30 years back. Park total area is 59cents, but now we have only 39 cents, balance is occupied by Temple. Corporation also not showing interests to develop the park.
15 years back temple occupied the 10cents of park area and constructed for temple extension. again 10 years back another 10 cents occupied by temple and constructed for temple extensions. our Nagar people tried to stop those construction, but they not able to stop, because temple committee members are Political Background people and rowdies. they threatened the people. so peoples filed a case against the temple construction and they got favorable judgement. court announced to clear the temple and develop the park. but no authorities implemented the judgement. now again temple extending starting construction in the balance park area. we give several complaints to corporation but they not responding to us and they not interested to demolish the temple. now also temple committee members threatening the people if try to stop construction. what we can do now, we have court order, is it possible to use RTI to get back the park area. peoples not have guts to proceed legal further. without direct involvement is there any ways to get back the park?

posted Feb 10, 2020 by Elayaraja Velmurugan

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application to concerned Corporation asking for the actions taken against the order of the Court and the recorded reason for delay in taking any action till date.

A municipal corporation is the legal term for a local governing body, including cities, counties, towns, townships, charter townships, villages, and boroughs. Hence it is a public authority u/s 2(h) of the RTI Act 2005.
Hence, application can be made u/s 2(f), 2(j) and 6 with the payment of requisite fees as per RTI Act, 2005.

Please refer for the same.

answer Jul 22, 2020 by Monika
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Dear Sir,
There is a matrimony dispute going on b/w and and my wife from last 7 years. Today i came to know that She obtained my PF Subledger Statement from PF Office through RTI. Since PF Records, subledger statements are very confidential statement then how it can be shared to a third party? Court didn't order anything to PF department. Please guide me how i can file which compliant against that CPIO. I have 10% faith that she obtained this information through any link in PF department and PF department guy in the shadow of RTI provided this information.

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Please help and guide me

