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Denial of information by government saying that information is not available in compiled format,

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Can government deny information saying that information is not available in compiled form. for example, if we ask number ACB cases pending before the government from 2017-18 and their status.

What is the remedy if government states that information is not available though asked information is very basic information.

posted Oct 26, 2019 by Srinivasarao Yalla

1 Answer

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Under section 19 of RTI Act, 2005 you can file a First Appeal application to concerned First Appellate Authority of the said Department. Under Section 19 any applicant can make a first appeal application if he/she is not provided with the requested information/ incomplete response or is not satisfied with the provided information after payment of requisite fees. An appeal shall be disposed of within 30 days on the receipt of the appeal by the First Appellate Authority or within such extended period not exceeding a total of 45 days from the date of filing thereof, as the case may be, for reasons to be recorded in writing.

For further details you can refer

answer Nov 18, 2019 by Monika
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Dear Sir,
There is a matrimony dispute going on b/w and and my wife from last 7 years. Today i came to know that She obtained my PF Subledger Statement from PF Office through RTI. Since PF Records, subledger statements are very confidential statement then how it can be shared to a third party? Court didn't order anything to PF department. Please guide me how i can file which compliant against that CPIO. I have 10% faith that she obtained this information through any link in PF department and PF department guy in the shadow of RTI provided this information.

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