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Can I get education and experience information of my ex - wife as I need to submit it in the court

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I need my ex -wife education copies and experience as I need to file it in the court. Please let me know if this is possible ?

Thanks in advance !!

posted May 11, 2019 by Osman K

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application to the concerned departments.

According to our past experiences we have filed several applications but the response rate is less, as the information with regard to education and experience can be considered as a third party information under section 8(1)(j) and section 11 of the RTI Act. There are certain universities and offices from where we have received positive responses . Hence you can make an attempt at filing.

For further assistance to file RTI application to any PIO please refer Online RTI-File RTI Online to Any Govt. Office in 3 Steps(All 29 States)

answer Sep 5, 2019 by Isha Sinha