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Can I file RTI for a copy of my exam paper from Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination ?

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posted Apr 25, 2019 by Hepsiba C

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application to Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination. It is an autonomous Organisation of Education Department,Govt.of Bihar in Feb 2011. BBOSE, is a registered Govt. Society under Societies Act. It is an Open & Distance Learning Institution, set up on the lines of National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India. It is an amalgamation of State Council of Educational Research and Training and Bihar School Examination Board, in the field of Open & Distance Learning, at school level. It has also been declared as a Nodal Agency for the State. Hence, it is a Public Authority under section 2(h) and is liable to provide information under section 2 (f) and 6(1) of the RTI Act, 2005.

For any further assistance to file RTI for copy of exam paper from Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination please refer,

answer May 23, 2019 by Monika