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Can I file RTI for a copy of my exam paper from Assam State Open School ?

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posted Apr 25, 2019 by Hepsiba C

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application to Assam State Open School for copy of Exam paper. Considering the need of hour and direction of National Education Policy,1986 [modified on 1992] the Assam Higher Secondary Education Council exercising the power conferred upon it by under section 24(1) read with section 13.1.(i) of the Assam Higher Secondary Education Act,1984 (Act No. XVII of 1984) has established the Assam State Open School in consultation with National Institute of Open Schooling, Noida. It runs under Assam Higher Secondary Education Council, plays a pivotal role in the promotion and development of Open and Distant learning system of education in the state of Assam. The Council has established State Open School vide its resolution dtd. 30/11/2007 in consultation and collaboration with National Institute of Open Schooling, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
Hence, it is a Public Authority under section 2(h) and is liable to provide information under section 2 (f) and 6(1) of the RTI Act, 2005.
For further assistance in filing RTI application for copy of answer sheet please refer

answer May 24, 2019 by Monika