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Can I apply RTI to Border Security Force (BSF) ?

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posted Apr 17, 2019 by Sangeeta Gope

1 Answer

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The Border Security Force (BSF) is a Border Guarding Force of India. Established on December 1, 1965, it is a paramilitary force charged with guarding India's land border during peace time and preventing transnational crime. It is a Union Government Agency under the administrative control of Ministry of Home Affairs. It is one of many law enforcement agency of India. It currently stands as the world's largest border guarding force.
But under Section 24(1) r/w Second Schedule of the RTI Act, 2005, BSF has been declared an exempt organization. Hence, the provisions of the RTI Act are not applicable to the BSF except when the information pertains to allegations of "Corruption or Human Rights Violations". Hence, for the matters of "Corruption or Human Rights Violations" application under section 2 (f) and 6(1) application can be made.
For filing application to BSF online/ central website please, refer

answer May 23, 2019 by Monika