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CDR of the mobile accessed by PSI without FIR or courtorder

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Dear Sir,
My mobile call records CDR was accessed by my Brother-in-law, who is a police sub inspector without any FIR or court permission in bangalore. Accessing CDR without permission violates fundamental rights. So , I request you kindly guide me how take action against him . I need to know how he accessed my CDR and in which case he has added my mobile number to get the details. without Solid proof , i can not file a case against him.
Waiting for quick and positive response.
Appreciate your Support

posted May 10, 2022 by Manjunath V

1 Answer

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RTI can be used only to get information which is in the records of the government bodies/public authority. This is for your information that you need to file a complaint regarding the same to the concerned authority.

If you don't get a reply, you can file RTI to know the status of the complaint and the action taken on it. Make sure you keep a copy of the same.

answer Jun 6, 2023 by Shambhavi Rti
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