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How low can OnlineRTI stoop? Even for Rs 10.

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Sir I had applied for RTI using your portal.

RTI ID 1072502 on the portal Online RTI
This was filed Jan 2022
I got mail from the PIO stating IPO of RS 10 was sent for September 2021. the mail received is as

"Dear Sir,

We are in receipt of your rti application dated 10th January 2022 regarding transfer of executives across all departments from E3 to E6 grade, for which you have submitted an expired IPO of September 2021.

In this regard, it is to inform you that the validity of the IPO is only 03 months from date of issue. You are requested to send a fresh IPO of Rs. 10 in the name of Eastern Coalfields Limited to get the desired information.
Kindly submit the IPO within 15 days to get a response from this office."

Seriously man If you need to save Rs 10 take it from me. we are already paying Rs 500, Rs 10 won't hurt. But please do not play with someone's emotions.
we are filing RTI because we are in too much pain and are harassed by the system.

Please look into the matter

posted Jan 18, 2022 by Asif Ahmad 1 abuse reported

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Respected Sir,

I am an employee is a intelligent, Hard working committed employee. I have been in my current organization for 5 years since now.
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Name : Mahesh T S
Organization : ITC InfoTech
Location : Bangalore
Employee Id: 35983
Mobile #: 9886805273
Mail : ;

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