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I want to know my marks and cut off marks in Railway Protection Force Group B (RPF) examination. Can I apply RTI ?

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posted Mar 18, 2019 by Sangeeta Gope

1 Answer

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The Railway Protection Force (RPF) is a security force, established by an act of Railway Protection Force Act, 1957[2] ; enacted by the Indian Parliament "for the better protection and security of railway property" as defined by the above act.
Hence, it is a public authority under section 2 (h) of RTI act 2005.
As per The Hon'ble Supreme Court by judgment in Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Vs Aditya Bandopadhyay (2011) 11 SCR 1028, declared that all the exams, conducting bodies are bound to disclose answer sheets to the students or candidate.
So the RTI can be filed under RTI Act 2005.
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answer Mar 21, 2019 by Monika