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Second Appeal not being filed

+1 vote

Why my Second Appeal is not being filed by RTIOnline even after my approval of the draft although an amount of Rs 999 was charged?

posted Sep 28, 2020 by anonymous

1 Answer

0 votes

Kindly reach us through

answer Dec 15, 2020 by Monika
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I filed a second appeal after 34 days of filing first appeal after receiving no response. But my second appeal was returned for having filed "prematurely" and I am asked to file again after 45 days are over despite having mentioned it was urgent. I thought you could file second appeal as soon as 30 days have passed after filing first appeal. Is there any such rule?

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Filed RTI - 06/08/2020
Reply from PIO - No Answer

Filed FAA - 29/09/2020
Reply From FAA - No Answer

Filed Second appeal with SIC - 29/12/2020
Case created - 16/08/2023
Called for enquiry: 30/08/2023

On 30/08/2023:
I was present at SIC Tamilnadu for hearing. PIO was also present.

Judge: You have submitted application late (I have received the application late from you) , I can dismiss this appeal if I want to or you take the information from PIO now. The choice is yours.

The hearing hardly lasted for 2 minutes.I left the place by collecting two pages documents from PIO without any other way.

My question/Query:
1) How can Judge come into an conclusion without going through the all documents or listening to applicant?
2) I am completely not satisfied with the reply I got from PIO on that particular day for my RTI, what can I do now?
3) day before the hearing , local municipal officials were behind me, pleading me to do them a favour at Hearing . But things happened exactly Opposite on hearing day. Judge was loud at me instead of penalising PIO or concerned officials for not providing information for 2 years (not even a reply). I feel that the whole thing was rigged on hearing day.

Could somebody guide me with this ? Please connect me at or down here at comment box.
Thanks In advance

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I am a resident of #1412/1 Mani Saheb street, Muslim block Nanjangud. The
unlawful construction being illegally occupied road any vehicle not going properly.
The ambulance not coming in area. Already I gave the complaint to municipal
commissner but they did not take the legal action.
In the light of the above mentioned background, please provide the following
information under section 2(f) and 2(j) of the RTI act:
1) The total number of the complaints filed against illegal construction at Mani
Saheb street, Muslim block Nanjangud.
2) Reasons for delay in taking action on the complaints.
3) Names and designations of officials who have considered the complaints and
the number of days it was lying with each official during this period.
4) Please provide copies of file noting indicating the consideration of my
complaints from the date of receipt till date by the concerned officials. I would
also like to inspect all documents relating to my case.
5) A copy of the rules/ regulations/ orders/ citizens charter which lay down the
timeline for disposal of such complaints.
6) Names and designations of officials who are responsible for dereliction of duty
for delaying my complaints in violation of relevant rules/ regulations/ orders.
7) Date by when action would be completed in my case?

a. As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is
held by another public authority,I request the PIO to transfer the application
or part of it within FIVE days and immediately inform me about such transfer.
b. As per section 7(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, there are further fee required
to provide the requested information, I request the PIO to inform me of the
additional fee amount along with the calculations made to arrive at the
c. As per section 7(8)(iii) and 7(3)(ii) of the RTI Act 2005, I request the PIO to
inform me of the particulars of First Appellate Authority.a. As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is
held by another public authority,I request the PIO to transfer the application
or part of it within FIVE days and immediately inform me about such transfer.
b. As per section 7(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, there are further fee required
to provide the requested information, I request the PIO to inform me of the
additional fee amount along with the calculations made to arrive at the
c. As per section 7(8)(iii) and 7(3)(ii) of the RTI Act 2005, I request the PIO to
inform me of the particulars of First Appellate Authority.

I declare that I am a citizen of India.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Yours faithfully
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I have a site in Harihar which is adjected to State highway flyover, I want to know how many sites are acquired to high way extension. which sites are gone for highway.
