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Regarding GOVT.Job got on compassionate grounds

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Hi Sir/Madam,

I am Venkat ,

My father worked as an state govt employee , died on 2008 July later the job is given to my sister on Compassionate grounds .
She worked for 2 yrs later she got health issues (Mental illness).So she discontinued the job without informing to the office.We sent request letter to the office about her health concern. We did not get any reply .After 9 yrs some staff came to my home and informed to meet District collector, so we met Collector sir and explained our suitation of my sister and requested him on job transfer to me from my sister. We are having medical sadaran certificate for her which having 50% disability.He told there is no rule for this, govt already given job to my sister on compassionate grounds. But few retired people from my family saying rule is there to transfer the job to me from my sister.

Could kindly help us whether the job can be transferred to me?If Possible can you please let us know how to approach.

Thanks & Regards,

posted Aug 5, 2020 by Ramana

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application for the rules / guidelines regarding the eligibility criteria for job on compassionate ground. You can file the application to the department concerned u/s 4 and 6 after payment of requisite fees.

For further assistance please reach us at

answer Dec 15, 2020 by Monika
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