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how to know the PIO information of a police station in Bangalore

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how to know the PIO information of a police station in Bangalore, I need to get few documents from a traffic police station in bangalore.
I am getting an answer that each police station has a PIO , Is that correct or do we need to raise the RTI to commissioner office. Please guide me.

posted Jan 27, 2020 by anonymous

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application to Traffic Police Station.
You can file the application to the specific Police Station from where you require the information. You can ask the copy of documents u/s 2 (j) of the RTI Act, 2005. The Bengaluru City Traffic Police is a specialized unit of the Bengaluru City Police responsible for overseeing and enforcing traffic safety compliance on city roads as well as managing the flow of traffic in the city of Bangalore, Karnataka.
Hence, application can be made to the Public Information Officer u/s 2(f), 2(j) and 6 with the payment of requisite fees as per RTI Act, 2005.

Please refer or

answer Jul 22, 2020 by Monika