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Can I file RTI to Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran?

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posted Apr 25, 2019 by Hepsiba C

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application to Haryana Shahari Vikas Pradhikaran. It is was formerly Haryana Urban Development Authority. It is is a statutory body under Haryana Urban Development Authority Act, 1977, headed by Chairman. Under Section-8 of the Haryana Urban Development Authority Act, 1977, the Authority is competent to appoint one or more committee for the purpose of ensuring the efficient dis-charge of the functions of the Authority and particularly for the purpose of ensuring the efficient maintenance of amenities and development projects. The authority has divided the districts of Haryana into four divisions or zones except Gurugram. Hence, it is Public Authority as per section 2 (h) of the RTI Act 2005. RTI application can be made to designated PIO at the head office or zonal offices under section 2 (f) and 6 (1) with the payment of requisite fees.

For further assistance to file RTI application in Haryana state please refer

answer May 8, 2019 by Monika