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Can I file RTI to Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited?

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posted Apr 25, 2019 by Hepsiba C

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application to Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation Limited requesting information under section 2(f), (i), (j) and 6(1) of the RTI Act 2005.

Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation has been constituted as a Joint Venture of the Govt. of India (GOI) and the Government of Maharashtra (GOM) on 50:50 sharing basis. Hence it is a public authority under section 2(h) of the RTI Act 2005.

For further assistance to file RTI application to any PIO please refer Online RTI-File RTI Online to Any Govt. Office in 3 Steps(All 29 States)

answer Aug 28, 2019 by Isha Sinha