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Number of children enrolled as transgender in Delhi schools

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As a part of my research dissertation I would like to know what exactly is the number of students enrolled in Delhi government schools falling under the other category , and is there even such category available at all in the admission forms

posted Oct 23, 2020 by anonymous

1 Answer

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Yes, you can file RTI application for the details of number of students enrolled in Delhi government schools falling under the other category from the Directorate of Education Government of NCT of Delhi. Delhi Directorate of Education is the department under the education ministry of Delhi Government that manages the city's public school system. Hence, it is a Public Authority u/s 2(h) of RTI Act,2005. Hence, it must provide the requested information u/s 2(f) and 6(1) of RTI Act, 2005 after payment of requisite fees.

To file application for the same please refer or

answer Dec 8, 2020 by Monika
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