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Telanagana "Local" Candidate for the MBBS counselling

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My Son Born in Telangana
My Son studied class 1 to 9 outside India & class 10, 11 and 12 in Telangana.
Both the Parents born and completed all studies in Telangana.
Is there any possibility for my son to be considered as "Local" candidate during the MBBS counselling?
If Yes, what is the procedure to avail this entitlement?

posted Oct 11, 2020 by K.v.r.prasad

1 Answer

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You can file RTI application Directorate of Medical Education regarding the eligibility and domicile requirement. Directorate of Medical Education is an administrative body of Telanagana State, India. It overlooks the Medical Education in Telanagana through Medical Colleges. The Directorate of Medical Education ensures the smooth functioning of all medical colleges and attached teaching hospitals, nursing schools and nursing colleges. Hence, it is Public Authority u/s 2(h) of RTI ACt, 2005. Hence, you can seek information u/s 4 and 6 of RTI Act.
Please visit: or

answer Dec 10, 2020 by Monika