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Salary slip of husband.

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Wife of govt employee ask for salary slip of his Husband?can we give?

posted Jul 22, 2023 by Shailesh Patel

1 Answer

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Salary slip or payslip is a document issued monthly by an employer to its employees. A salary slip contains a detailed breakdown of employee salary and deductions for a given period. This document can be either a printed hard copy or mailed to the employees.

Salary slips are not disclosable under the RTI Act. The reasoning being that salary slips contain deductions made from the salary, remittances made to bank towards any loan amount, to the income tax department, deductions made to provident fund etc all of which are personal information.

In a major development, the Central Information Commission allowed a woman to access her ex-husband’s income details so that she could file for maintenance.

answer Sep 1, 2023 by Shambhavi Rti
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