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I am a resident of 1412/1 Mani Saheb street, Muslim block Nanjangud. The
unlawful construction being illegally occupied road any vehicle not going properly.
The ambulance not coming in area. Already I gave the complaint to municipal
commissner but they did not take the legal action.
In the light of the above mentioned background, please provide the following
information under section 2(f) and 2(j) of the RTI act:
1) The total number of the complaints filed against illegal construction at Mani
Saheb street, Muslim block Nanjangud.
2) Reasons for delay in taking action on the complaints.
3) Names and designations of officials who have considered the complaints and
the number of days it was lying with each official during this period.
4) Please provide copies of file noting indicating the consideration of my
complaints from the date of receipt till date by the concerned officials. I would
also like to inspect all documents relating to my case.
5) A copy of the rules/ regulations/ orders/ citizens charter which lay down the
timeline for disposal of such complaints.
6) Names and designations of officials who are responsible for dereliction of duty
for delaying my complaints in violation of relevant rules/ regulations/ orders.
7) Date by when action would be completed in my case?

a. As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is
held by another public authority,I request the PIO to transfer the application
or part of it within FIVE days and immediately inform me about such transfer.
b. As per section 7(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, there are further fee required
to provide the requested information, I request the PIO to inform me of the
additional fee amount along with the calculations made to arrive at the
c. As per section 7(8)(iii) and 7(3)(ii) of the RTI Act 2005, I request the PIO to
inform me of the particulars of First Appellate Authority.a. As per section 6(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, the requested information is
held by another public authority,I request the PIO to transfer the application
or part of it within FIVE days and immediately inform me about such transfer.
b. As per section 7(3) of the RTI Act 2005, In case, there are further fee required
to provide the requested information, I request the PIO to inform me of the
additional fee amount along with the calculations made to arrive at the
c. As per section 7(8)(iii) and 7(3)(ii) of the RTI Act 2005, I request the PIO to
inform me of the particulars of First Appellate Authority.

I declare that I am a citizen of India.

posted Nov 30, 2022 by Ruman Khan

1 Answer

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You can file RTI to obtain information regarding the status of the complaint filed by you. However, RTI can be used to get information from government authorities. We cannot instruct the government to take any action.

We can ask information which will help us find how their actions have been. You can attach a copy of the complaint submitted or provide the complaint number along with the RTI application.

answer Apr 9, 2023 by Shambhavi Rti
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