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Mamlatdar course case paper 1968

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Mamlatdar office notable to provide court case 2/68 of mamlatdar course case for rupavati village,jetpur,Rajkot,Gujarat.can I get from any other office?

posted Nov 11, 2020 by Hemal Baxi

2 Answers

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Yes, you can file RTI application for details of case. The Mamlatdar is a gazetted officer of the State Government hence a public Authority as per section 2(h) of RTI Act, 2005.

In Jignesh V. Thakkar V. PIO & Dy. GM, Mumbai North (Decision No. CIC/SM/A/2011/001324/SG/14256), The Central Information Commission (CIC), while allowing an appeal, directed the Public Information Officer (PIO) of Bank of India to provide information about public provident fund (PPF) records that were over 20 years old. The PIO had claimed exemption under Section 8(1)(d) & (e) of the Right to Information (RTI) Act. Central Information Commissioner said, “The Commission as well as all PIOs have to follow the provisions of the RTI Act and cannot on their own start deciding disclosure of which information would be good for society.”

Hence, the application can be made under section 4 and 6 of RTI Act, 2005, after payment of requisite fees.

Please visit:

answer Dec 10, 2020 by Monika
As mamlatdar office have no paper in reply,can we file first appeal after 30days or more and to prant office or deputy collector of dist.through RTI or complain to higher authority?
0 votes

Yes, you can file First Appeal to higher authority or the concerned Appellate Authority. If the time period for First Appeal is over you can attach a condonation of delay along with the FA application mentioning the reason for delay in filing the FA.

For further details please contact-

answer Dec 21, 2020 by Monika
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Hi Team ,
I have created two RTI's

I have Created an RTI for First Appeal ,Application Number : 1190114

The First Appeal has been filed and sent but the address is mentioned as Basheer Bagh Commisionerate but the police station which should reply is in
LB nagar i think the address is wrong please take a look and make necessary corrections ASAP as the time goes the CCTV footage in PS would be Overwritten and evidence would be deleted.

for the second i have made a payment but First Appeal has not been files yet i have done Payement on 8th may
Application No: 1198822 ,please let me know when the filing would be done or how i can i process the refund

