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How can I get all document related to all document related to transfer of land

+1 vote

I am from West Bengal, my father has a land with house of 4.75 katha. Now my father is no more. My brother without may consent sifted total land to his name. The Block Land and Land Reform Officer of West Bengal not willing to the records related to transfer of my father land to my elder brother. How can I get all document related to all document related to transfer of land and the supporting document based on with land has been transferred

posted Apr 20, 2022 by Lalkamal Chakraborty

1 Answer

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The Hon'ble CIC in a catena of orders has held that land records are not personal information. Land records, describing boundaries, ownership and extent of possession, are public records which cannot be treated as personal information. It has been further held that aid records with names of different owners giving details of boundaries, and the extent of land owned or possessed by the public authority, is neither private information nor third party information. The land is open and transaction of change of ownership of a particular piece of land is registered with Registrar for being recorded as admissible evidence of that ownership for public to know.

It is the duty of the revenue department to make all updated land records open for scrutiny of the people. Transparency is the only way by which corruption can be prevented. Transparency of the land records is mandated as per Section 4(1)(B) of the RTI Act and Public Records Act, 1993.

You can file RTI to obtain information regarding the document related to transfer of land and the supporting document based on with land has been transferred.

answer Jun 6, 2023 by Shambhavi Rti
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